Wickey Statement of Guarantee

The guarantor, Wickey GmbH & Co. KG (hereafter: Wickey) guarantees all wooden components on items purchased from them for a period of 10 years, within the limits of the specified delivery and dispatch areas. This guarantee covers the obligations of Wickey where wooden components of the purchased item suffer from rot due to weather conditions that occur within the guarantee period, after the transfer of risk to the buyer. The guarantee will not apply if the customer or a third party has caused the fault in the wooden components of the purchase item by incorrectly assembling them, nor if the fault is due to damage to the wooden components resulting from improper use or care by the customer or a third party, vandalism by the customer or a third party, natural characteristics of the wood or storm damage. The term of the guarantee commences on receipt of the goods. This guarantee does not limit the user's legal rights (warranty or cancellation rights). The warranty period begins on receipt of the goods. The statutory rights of the consumer (warranty rights and right of withdrawal) are not restricted by the warranty.

Claims under the guarantee must be notified to the following address:
Wickey GmbH & Co. KG
Franz-Savels-Straße 69
52538 Gangelt / Deutschland

In order to claim under the guarantee, the purchaser should send to Wickey, by post or e-mail, photographs of the faults in the wooden components of the purchased item along with a copy of the relevant invoice or e-Bay item number, in order to facilitate the validation and handling of the claim by Wickey. If covered by the guarantee, the faulty wooden components of the purchased item will be replaced and delivered to the customer free of charge.

In cases not covered by warranty rights or by the guarantee, Wickey reserves the right to recover from the customer the costs of handling the guarantee claim.

End of warranty statement


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